Monday, February 26, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 153--Fear Black Panther!

Kids' birthday parties
Clean drunk, party sober
Black Panther preview (and the thing Steve hates about Black Panther)
Black Lightning is blacker than Black Panther
Why bother learning history?
Why did white Europeans and Asians do so much better than Africans and Indians?
Why are white people afraid to become the minority in America?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 152--Powerful (but weird) Families!

DP E152--Powerful (but weird) Familes!

In a gripping tale of love and tragedy, the next installment of Softcore History celebrates everyone's favorite fake Hallmark Saint. After the break, the guys catch up on Black Lightning with an epic two-episode review. That's it. Quality content for the best audience on the planet.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 151--Against All Odds!

Elon Musk put Don't Panic on the map this week. A map of the solar system. His Tesla, David Bowie, and a copy of this show's favorite book. Also this week, a new segment called "Soft Core History" and a long awaited installment of Tits & Dragons. From 1914 Antarctica, to Antediluvian times of sword, sorcery, and tits, this is a good one, folks.

Also available on YouTube!

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 150--The Best & Worst TV Shows Ever!

Don't panic! It's our sesquicentennial anniversary episode! From the CW's Black Lightning, to TV shows of the 80s, and from what happens when adults fight, to why you should never get involved in a conversation on Facebook about anything ever, your host do their best to entertain and hopefully make you laugh.

Also available on YouTube!
DP E150--The Best & Worst TV Shows Ever!

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 149--From Black Lightning to the Last Jedi!

DP E149--From Black Lightning to the Last Jedi!

First: how not to drive on ice. Then, Black Lightning. Obviously the new CW show plays a big part in this one. The boys talk a lot about the show and how it is relevant to everything going on these days. Paul has a hard-on for Star Wars and can't understand why there is so much pressure to judge movies these days.
Plus, confusing British phrases, Gerard Butler, and a tits-n-dragons update

Also available on YouTube!