Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 163--Afrophilia & Luke Cage

DP E163--Afrophilia & Luke Cage

This week, your hosts discuss Steve's latest podcast project, The Life Science Effect, and Paul convinces Steve to check out Luke Cage. Along the way, Steve oversleeps, gets recombobulated, and becomes the unofficial American ambassador to Scotland. At least he should be. Also, scheduling poops, hand jobs, why gays got it good, and afrophilia. Yep, it's one of those episodes. This week's music: Cubic--Unt (

Check us out on YouTube!
DP E163--Afrophilia & Luke Cage!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 162--To Infinity War...And beyond!

This week, hosts Steve Vinson and Paul Schultz discuss "vague-booking."  What happens when it doesn't yield the desired response?  Also this week: A new segment, Tales From the Dad Side, as well as a listener challenge.  Flying ants, and orange ladybugs, and damn Democrats, oh my!  Meth Mice!  Paul relates his experience with Avengers: Infinity War, and attempts to explain comics to Steve.  Again.  Mike Pence reviews Hamilton!  All this and more!

Also, listen to us on YouTube!
DP E162--To Infinity War...And Beyond!

This week's music courtesy of:
Lee Rosevere--What's Behind the Door? (
Alien Dream--Alien Warp (

Monday, April 30, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 161--Avengers Infinity War!

Yes, you, too can be a YouTube Guru. Say that three times fast! Better yet, shave your head and grow a beard. Put on some flowie shirts and say things that we've all been hearing for decades about the non-linear nature of time and bullshit like that. Instant Guru. Also this week, how to properly take care of your feet, and how to properly pleasure yourself using The Avengers: Infinity War. All this and headlines, #whatsonthepage, and World War Z! Do you know where your washing machine is?

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 160--Black Lightning Series Finale!

Look whose back! Yes, they took a couple weeks off but now they're back and as great as ever! This week: Soft Core History: What do you do when you get back to the world? Start a shrimp company? Not this grunt. Season finale of Black Lightning! A particular William Wright gives the guys a Worlds of Mebar update. All this and more!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 159--What Is the Problem With Comics?!

This week, your hosts discuss last week, more specifically, the Don't Panic Radio Show live birthday show.  Steve and Paul also review MP Cavalier's single "The Blue Girl," Steve attempts his Transcontinental Railroad/smart phone analogy once again.  How do editing mishaps make the show better?  What the hell is a Luddibomber?  And what's going on with Pateron? 
In the second half of the show, Paul tells the story behind the story of his mom phoning in on last week's recording, Steve tries to "get" comics, which turns into Dr. Manhattan vs. the Starchild, and a second attempt at the new segment, #whatsonthepage.
All this nonsense and much more.​

Also available on YouTube!

DP E159--What Is The Problem With Comics?!

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 158--2018 Birthday Blowout!

MP Cavalier, Uncle Karl, The Lovely Constance, and a little scotch. What more could you want? Surrrounded by their friends, Paul and Steve celebrate their birthdays by making a DP with their friends and family. They did it live and then Paul spent 5 days bleeding and sweating to bring you this kickass episode. Get ready to ignore the news.
This week we debut the new hit single, Blue Girl, from MP Cavalier.

Also available on YouTube!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 157--How to Survive the Future!

Who will save us from ourselves? Self-driving cars? Necessity? Black Lighting? Tune in and find out. Also this episode, Steve and Paul announce upcoming plans for their Indiana Comicon Don't Panic After Party Birthday Blowout! Sure there's more on this episode, but revealing would be telling. Besides, there should be some surprises in life, right?

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 156--The Lives of Pie!

From Peter Frampton, to Humble Pie, to Pi Day, don't ask us how this show happens.  Like Killdozer, it goes where it wants to.  From Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time, to Paul's brief history of God, this one has it all.  Also this week, Steve discusses his family's pilgrimage from Alabama, to Michigan.  Well almost Michigan, anyway.  The baton has been passed; Paul introduced his son to Pootie Tang, Steve wants to know why there are never any ghosts on the news, and Irresponsible Headline Interpretations are back once again.  Rounding out this episode, smoking the Bible, the work ethic of kids today, and Black Lighting!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 154--Disorganized Labor!

Softcore History: Cesar Chavez. 
Not to be confused with Che Guevera. 
Sebastian says, "My mermaids better have my money!" 
How to survive a child's birthday party (if not pick-up time).
Steve's friend Anna leaves us a voicemail about Steve's underage accountant and his pre-op transgenderism. 
How to find your people. And contribute! 
And finally, after all these years: Why it is Pointless to Panic...

Monday, February 26, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 153--Fear Black Panther!

Kids' birthday parties
Clean drunk, party sober
Black Panther preview (and the thing Steve hates about Black Panther)
Black Lightning is blacker than Black Panther
Why bother learning history?
Why did white Europeans and Asians do so much better than Africans and Indians?
Why are white people afraid to become the minority in America?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 152--Powerful (but weird) Families!

DP E152--Powerful (but weird) Familes!

In a gripping tale of love and tragedy, the next installment of Softcore History celebrates everyone's favorite fake Hallmark Saint. After the break, the guys catch up on Black Lightning with an epic two-episode review. That's it. Quality content for the best audience on the planet.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 151--Against All Odds!

Elon Musk put Don't Panic on the map this week. A map of the solar system. His Tesla, David Bowie, and a copy of this show's favorite book. Also this week, a new segment called "Soft Core History" and a long awaited installment of Tits & Dragons. From 1914 Antarctica, to Antediluvian times of sword, sorcery, and tits, this is a good one, folks.

Also available on YouTube!

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 150--The Best & Worst TV Shows Ever!

Don't panic! It's our sesquicentennial anniversary episode! From the CW's Black Lightning, to TV shows of the 80s, and from what happens when adults fight, to why you should never get involved in a conversation on Facebook about anything ever, your host do their best to entertain and hopefully make you laugh.

Also available on YouTube!
DP E150--The Best & Worst TV Shows Ever!

Don't Panic Radio Show Episode 149--From Black Lightning to the Last Jedi!

DP E149--From Black Lightning to the Last Jedi!

First: how not to drive on ice. Then, Black Lightning. Obviously the new CW show plays a big part in this one. The boys talk a lot about the show and how it is relevant to everything going on these days. Paul has a hard-on for Star Wars and can't understand why there is so much pressure to judge movies these days.
Plus, confusing British phrases, Gerard Butler, and a tits-n-dragons update

Also available on YouTube!

Monday, January 22, 2018

DP E148--Welcome Back!

They're baaaaack!!! And better than ever. This week: The New Years Celebration that Almost Was; Steve's questions about Star Wars (and a pre-review of The Last Jedi); The latest sensation in Weezer tribute bands - "Weezy"; Paul's exile to the early 90s; Wolverines!
Yeah, the boys are easing their way back into the saddle. And they couldn't be happier!
Remember: relax, calm down, share with your friends, and above all Don't Panic!

DP E147--Surviving Christmas!

The is the unintentional Christmas Special!
- What is so great about A Christmas Story?
- Why is Steve's dog a racist?
- What bands did Steve miss from the 80s? (Thanks to SFJ, Paul V, Leslie, and Constance for the great suggestions!)
- How are things going with Steve's drinking and depression and anxiety, and... and... and...
I think Steve might have cried toward the end of this one, but they did end on a high note (as usual).

DP E146--Superfan James Review!

Suerfan James returns to this episode to give his review of Don't Panic's 2017 Halloween Special!

Also in this episode, 80s Themed Irresponsible Headlines, and classic Steve rants!