Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DP E145--T&D Live!

"Between the carefree time of grade school, and the awkward years of high school, there was the age undreamed of, the age of the Lord of the Flies, the junior high years, its only respite for some, testosterone-fueled fantasy role-playing games. And onto this, Sally of Vallis, destined to wear the Leg Warmers of Valor into battle. It is I, her Game Master, who alone can tell thee of her saga. Let me tell you of the days of Tits & Dragons!"

Here it is, dear listeners, the second installment of Tits & Dragons, featuring Sally, Queen of the leg warmers!

Also in this episode, your hosts Steve Vinson and Paul Schultz, along with Steve's lovely bride Constance, have a post Thanksgiving stress disorder session. This episode was live on Facebook, and now, for your enjoyment, we present the abridged and perhaps more listenable version. Along the way, conversations with first time listener Scott Tolin, and long time listener, contributor, and friend of the show, A. William Wright, who, as far as we're concerned, much like a particular Kroger Steve frequents, might as well be The William Wright, ensue. Man, was that a run on sentence, or what?!

Also, if you'd like to listen to the episode on Youtube, where visual Easter eggs abound, click the link below!