Monday, October 23, 2017

DP E141--3rd Annual Halloween Special!

Get in the Holiday Spirit with this simple trick. Paul and Steve will take you on a frightening journey from 1970s vintage harrowing halloween, to modern monster sightings.  They've packed tons of terrifying original fiction and some true tales into this year's special. So, grab a cocktail, pop in your ear buds, and turn the lights down low. And if you like it, give us a review on iTunes and a share on Facebook.

Check out the link below if you want to listen to it on Youtube!

DP E141--3rd Annual Halloween Special!

If you'd like to catch up on the first two Halloween shows, just follow the links below!

2016 Halloween Special!

Listen to it on Youtube!

2016 Halloween Special!

2015 Halloween Special!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

DP E140-Tits & Dragons!

"Between the carefree time of grade school, and the awkward years of high school, there was the age undreamed of, the age of the Lord of the Flies, the junior high years, its only respite for some, testosterone-fueled fantasy role-playing games.  And onto this, Sally of Vallis, destined to wear the Leg Warmers of Valor into battle.  It is I, her Game Master, who alone can tell thee of her saga.  Let me tell you of the days of Tits & Dragons!"

Here it is, dear listeners, the episode you've been waiting for. As your hosts work feverishly to prepare this year's Halloween episode, which promises to be the best one yet, they took some time off to record the first installation of Tits & Dragons. Listen in as Paul takes Steve on an epic journey in the vein of the halcyon days of role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, where bikini chainmail, a pair of leg warmers and a mighty sword were all a hot warrior chick needed to swath a bloody path into legend...

Thursday, October 12, 2017

DP E139-Natural Super Computer!

Paul and Steve start this week innocently enough talking about their weekend shenanigans. Paul's hilarious mom. Steve's prolific uncle. Then something reminds them of the urgent call of nature and the wheels come off the bus. This episode's potty humor will have you doubled over in laughter like a man trying to make it to a bathroom stall in a busy mall. Be sure and acquaint yourself with the nearest working toilet before listening to this one. Keep in mind that the nearest bathroom may be behind you - or in a ditch by the side of the road. Paul and Steve sincerely apologize for this one and promise to be better in the future. Go ahead and share it anyway...

DP E138-Perfectly Normal, Perfectly Healthy!

The secret Milennials know that we all should learn. How to finally get control of your drinking without AA and without having to quit. What's more natural than Indians? What's more funny than lipstick lesbian Indians? Or butch lesbian Indians? Harly Quinn from the comic books or Harly Quinn from Suicide Squad? Wait for them to ask you who you know. And MP Cavalier will be missed. There's a little something for each and every one of you this week. Give a little love and rate us on itunes. Share the link. Like, love, repeat.