Monday, July 17, 2017

DP E128--The Truth & Other Alternate Facts!

DP E128--The Truth & Other Alternate Facts!

The Don't Panic Radio Show doesn't care about your feelings, and artists don't care about your facts.  In this episode, Steve and Paul recount the day Steve accepted ZZ Top into his life.  After that, this episode goes straight into the toilet.  Literally.  Also in this week's episode, The Rapture, narcoleptic fork truck drivers, cigarettes, Kent State and the 80s, what aren't they teaching kids in school these days?  All this and the Facebook Question of the Week.  Remember, nothing you hear is true!
Support the troops.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

DP E127 (Redux)--Hoosier Daddies!

DP E127 (Redux)--Hoosier Daddies!

No, you didn't read that wrong.  This isn't a rerun.  Not a hoax.  We just miscounted a few weeks ago, and we're trying to put things right.  That said...

Brace yourself for the most hilarious take on fathering daughters you may ever hear as Steve makes his triumphant return from his brief hiatus.  Hiatus?!  He barely knew us!  Also in this week's show, Steve and Paul pay tribute and bid ado  to their spiritual step-brother podcast, the Do It Indy Radio Hour as only they can.  Afterwards, our hosts continue discussing dad stuff from where Paul and SFJ left off last week.  All this, plus Irresponsible Headline Interpretations, the 130,000 year old Mastodon , and an all new caller!  It's a regular zoo this time around.​

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

DP E129--Favorite Bad Movies!

This week, while Steve is on vacation, Paul and Superfan James talk dad stuff, dad noises The Arrival, and other bad movies they love.  The Facebook Question of the Week, not coincidentally: Favorite "bad" movie?  What follows is listeners chiming in with everything from Hudson Hawk to Xanadu.  Also in this episode Paul tries to explain Don't Panic to new listeners, and he and SFJ give Steve the credit he deserves for doing what he does week after week.  All this, and more, in this week's episode.